贺辞 Message from Mr Graham C. H. Cheng
First of all, let me congratulate the Children’s Thalassaemia Foundation on its 30th Anniversary and the team of volunteers who has made the Foundation a successful and purposeful organisation.
I came to know about Thalassaemia when I attended a fund raising concert organised by the Foundation and I realised how little people in Hong Kong know about this illness and how little has been done to warn people avoiding it. Eight in one of Hong Kong’s population carry the Thalassaemia genes.
When I was asked to help in the Foundation I was very happy to do so. I join the team which at the time consist mainly of doctors and patient families.
In the ensuring years the Foundation was able to encourage more people and organisations to help in its cause.
Patients cannot make their blood and has to receive blood transfusion regularly. Excess iron will accumulate in their body and has to be removed (CHELATION) at night.
The Foundation organises many events each year to raise money for supporting doctors in their research and to support families in their efforts to regulate the problems in their life. We are putting our best effort into this worthwhile organisation, your help will be very much appreciated.

郑正训先生, OBE, JP